What Inspires Us....

A journey that was started by a fish long ago... Has led to this


12/29/20237 min read

Chauvet - Pont d’Arc Cave

We at Arc believe in design and culture . Design has been an integral part of human society. Good design helps us solve problems and especially it inspire us . It seems so natural now that someday it started infesting the minds of humans all around the world separated by vast distances

And manifested itself in the form of expression. After all it's an idea .

Today we talk about the designs that inspired us and we hope that is reflected in our products .


The human body is an extraordinary masterpiece of design, exhibiting unparalleled complexity and ingenuity. From its intricate systems to its astounding adaptability, the human body is a testament to the brilliance of nature's engineering.


In the vast expanse of the cosmos, there exists a magnificent jewel known as the Solar System. A testament to the wondrous beauty and intricacy of the universe, it captivates the imagination and fills us with awe. From the blazing sun at its center to the distant reaches of its outer planets, the Solar System's design is a masterpiece of cosmic artistry.


In the depths of the cosmos, there exists a phenomenon so extraordinary, so mind-bending, that it challenges our understanding of the very fabric of space and time. It is the black hole, a masterwork of cosmic design, where the laws of physics are pushed to their limits and the boundaries of our knowledge are stretched beyond imagination. It never fails to awe inspire us and just the thought of it leaves us breathless. We gave its amazing design a nod as it's part of our Logo ,which is so cool !


Music is a remarkable art form that captivates us with its inherent beauty and design. Its power lies in the intentional arrangement of various musical elements, resulting in a harmonious and meaningful composition.The seven notes of music, often referred to as the diatonic scale, form the fundamental building blocks of melody and harmony. Each note possesses its own unique characteristics and contributes to the overall beauty and design of musical harmony.

In the vast realm of mathematics, there exists a sequence that mesmerizes both the curious mind and the artist's soul. Its name is the Fibonacci sequence, a mesmerizing arrangement of numbers that reveals a hidden beauty found abundantly in nature and art.

The Fibonacci sequence begins innocently enough: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, and so on. Each subsequent number is derived by adding the two preceding numbers together. While this may seem like a simple progression, the magic lies in the patterns it weaves.

One of the most captivating aspects of the Fibonacci sequence is its prevalence in the natural world. It can be seen in the spiraling pattern of a nautilus shell, the arrangement of seeds in a sunflower, or the branching structure of a tree. The sequence effortlessly manifests in the growth and design of plants, animals, and even galaxies, as if nature herself follows its enchanting rhythm.

The sequence's allure extends beyond the realm of biology. It has inspired countless artists, architects, and designers, who have embraced its harmonious proportions. The Golden Ratio, a mathematical concept closely tied to the Fibonacci sequence, appears in iconic works of art like the Parthenon in Athens, Leonardo da Vinci's "Mona Lisa," and even modern logos and advertisements. Its presence evokes a sense of balance and aesthetic pleasure, a reflection of the mathematical harmony hidden within the natural world.


Stoicism, a philosophy that emerged in ancient Greece, has captivated the minds of countless individuals throughout the centuries. With its elegant and profound design, Stoicism offers a timeless blueprint for living a fulfilling and virtuous life.

At its core, Stoicism teaches individuals to cultivate inner tranquility by accepting and aligning their will with the natural order of the universe. It emphasizes the importance of distinguishing between what is within our control and what lies beyond it. By focusing solely on what we can influence, Stoicism liberates us from the burdens of external circumstances and empowers us to direct our attention and efforts towards what truly matters.


One of the most beautiful aspects of Stoicism lies in its emphasis on virtue. Stoics believe that the path to true happiness and fulfillment is found in living a virtuous life, guided by reason and moral excellence. Virtue becomes the ultimate goal, and external achievements, wealth, and fame pale in comparison to the internal state of one's character.



The beauty of design in the general theory of relativity lies in its elegant and profound mathematical framework that revolutionized our understanding of the universe. Developed by Albert Einstein in 1915, this theory redefined our perception of space, time, and gravity, providing a cohesive and unified description of the physical laws governing the cosmos.

One of the most striking features of the general theory of relativity is its geometric interpretation of gravity. Instead of considering gravity as a force acting between objects, Einstein introduced the concept of spacetime curvature. According to this theory, mass and energy cause spacetime to curve, and the motion of objects is influenced by this curvature. This beautiful concept reveals the deep interconnection between matter and the geometry of the universe.

In the framework of general relativity, the beauty of design becomes apparent in the mathematical equations that describe the theory. At its core lies Einstein's field equations, which encapsulate the relationship between the curvature of spacetime and the distribution of matter and energy within it. These equations elegantly connect geometry, matter, and motion, allowing us to unravel the intricate interplay between these fundamental elements.ur text here...

The elegant design of Newton's laws of motion is a testament to the brilliance and ingenuity of Sir Isaac Newton, one of the greatest physicists in history. Newton's laws provide a fundamental framework for understanding the motion of objects, laying the foundation for classical mechanics and revolutionizing our understanding of the physical world.

The elegance of Newton's laws lies not only in their simplicity and explanatory power but also in their universality. These laws apply to a wide range of scales, from the motion of celestial bodies to the behavior of microscopic particles. They provide a coherent framework that can describe the motion of everything from falling apples to orbiting planets. The beauty of their design lies in their ability to capture the essence of motion in a concise and comprehensive manner.



The beauty of the design of the Apple II computer lies in its pioneering spirit, elegant simplicity, and transformative impact on the personal computer industry. Introduced in 1977 by Apple Inc., the Apple II played a pivotal role in popularizing home computing and laying the groundwork for the modern digital age.

One of the standout features of the Apple II's design was its accessibility. Unlike the bulky and complex mainframe computers of the time, the Apple II was designed to be user-friendly and approachable. Its sleek beige plastic case, compact size, and integrated keyboard made it visually appealing and inviting to a broader audience. This design aesthetic was a departure from the industry norm and helped make the Apple II more accessible and desirable to everyday users.


The Pyramids of Giza, with their timeless beauty and remarkable design, stand as a testament to the incredible achievements of the ancient Egyptians. These magnificent structures, built over 4,500 years ago, continue to captivate and inspire awe in people from around the world.

The pyramids' design exhibits a harmonious blend of scale, symmetry, and precision. Rising majestically from the desert landscape, their monumental scale commands attention. The Great Pyramid of Khufu, the largest of the three pyramids, reaches towering heights that once made it the tallest man-made structure in the world.


The elegant design of a food chain is a testament to the intricate interconnectedness of life in an ecosystem. It showcases the efficient flow of energy and nutrients through different organisms, highlighting the delicate balance that sustains life on Earth.

At the core of a food chain is the concept of trophic levels, which represent the hierarchical organization of organisms based on their feeding habits. Producers, such as plants and algae, convert sunlight into energy through photosynthesis, forming the foundation of the food chain. Herbivores consume these producers, followed by carnivores that feed on herbivores. This design optimizes energy transfer, ensuring that the ecosystem operates in an efficient manner.

The 10% rule governs energy efficiency in a food chain. As energy moves from one trophic level to the next, only approximately 10% is transferred, with the rest being lost as heat. This mechanism ensures that energy is conserved and utilized effectively within the ecosystem.

The elegance of a food chain lies in its ability to promote stability and balance. Multiple interconnected food chains create a web-like structure, enhancing the resilience of the ecosystem. If one species is affected, others can compensate, maintaining equilibrium. This intricate design allows for the regulation of populations and the sustainable functioning of the ecosystem.

That's all folks . Soon, ARC is going to introduce the Rebels Campaign . For more information check our website. Also you can connect with us through our social media handles .